Saturday, March 24, 2012

2 days...

O.k., well, you know how we had a few errands to run today?  One of them was to get the car serviced at Al Futtaim motors. We were told that it would take a maximum of 2 hours to service because it was the first check since we bought it.  Take it in at 11am and they tell me it will be ready at around 4-5pm bhahaha so I guess the other errands can wait until we  get to Dubai.

5pm, went to pick up the car and managed to squeeze a couple of errands in and was home by 7:45.
Meet the Rouvis
Angela and I have finished packing our bags and have all tickets, hotel reservations and tour reservations all printed out and in a folder.  Bloggie is charging as we speak (type) so we're able to take video snippets as well as photos.  Camera is charged and ready to go, only have a few last minute things to pack in the morning, toiletries, laptop, chargers etc...

For me, it is only starting to sink in that we are heading away on an adventure of a lifetime now that we have our bags all packed.  The Tagg whānau will be here at 10:30am and we have some other good friends we've made who will be taking us to Dubai and bringing our car back.

9:14pm, reasonable time to have things done, now we're relaxing. Ang is watching Desperate Housewives on her laptop, T.V. is humming in the background and me, well, how else would you know what we're doing hehehe.

Hopefully we will have a connection at the hotel for tomorrows update and watch how this trip unfolds.
For now, it's goodnight from us here in the desert!

Goodnight in Arabic:
tisbahin ala khayr ahlam sa'ida (males)
tisbah ala khayr ahlam sa'ida (females)

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